Artistic and Magical Creations Camp

From 6P-8P

July 8 to 12, 2024

Artistic and Magical Creations Camp

During this week, we’ll immerse you in the world of magic and mystery through three unique artistic creations, as well as fun outings to Genève-plage and Adventure Park.


To begin, we’ll dive into the world of Harry Potter, where acquiring a magic wand is a sacred ritual at the age of eleven. Together, we’ll explore the design of artifacts with souls and magical powers!


Next, we’ll explore the fascinating concept of friendship between humans and animals. That’s right! The Pokémon, while fantastic, are actually inspired by the natural world, be it animals, plants or minerals. By raising awareness of the environment, we’ll bring to life a 3D sculpture inspired by the world of the Pokémon manga.

Finally, we’ll delve into the captivating world of novels by Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong, while exploring the works of the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève to create a unique portrait inspired by these iconic characters.

Hours : 8h30-17h00

Location : Ecole La Découverte – Genève – av. de Sécheron 11

Additional information

Meals : Every day, children bring their morning snack, a midday meal (cold or microwavable picnic) and an afternoon snack, don’t forget to bring drinks!


Equipment : Weather-appropriate footwear and clothing, sunscreen and hat. Please note child’s first name on all belongings.

Responsibles : Marry FOLINO (ENG) and Alex DAVINSON (FR/ENG)


Cost : 370.- CHF (materials, entrance fees, transportation: all included).


Registrations : Online via Parents Portal, on a “first come, first served” basis from Monday March 25 at 12:00. Camp registration will be open to external children from Monday April 15 at 12:00.

If a registration is confirmed, an email will be sent to you shortly, together with the camp invoice. All confirmed registrations are final and the camp invoice is due. No refunds will be made in the event of absence or illness during the camp, including on presentation of a medical certificate.


Program (provisional) :

Monday: Welcome, creation of the Magic Hat inspired by the Harry Potter saga. Visit to the Botanical Gardens


Tuesday: Making a magic wand. Outing to Genève Plage


Wednesday: 3D sculpture inspired by Pokémon. Outing to Adventure Park


Thursday: Portrait painting inspired by Daisy Wells and Hazel Wong. Visit to the Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (MAH)


Friday: Painting with frame. Outdoor games at La Perle du Lac. Exhibition of artistic creations and aperitif with parents.