

Would you like to pre-register your child at our school?

Start by completing the online form to put your child on our waiting list free of charge. You are also invited to our collective visits, which take place twice a year. In case of availability, we will then arrange a meeting with the Head teacher and a visit of the school.


Registration is for a full 10-month school year. It is officially registered on receipt of all the required administrative documents, together with payment of the registration fee and the first month’s school fees.


Opening hours

Opening hours of Geneva
Opening hours of Geneva
Monday - Tuesday
Full day
WednesdayTuesday - Friday
Full day
Opening at 8 amClosedOpening at 8 am
3yo-2P 8:45 am - 3:30 pmClosed8:45 am - 3:30 pm
3P-4P 8:30 am - 3:30 pmClosed8:30 am - 3:30 pm
5P-8P 8:30 am - 3:30 pm8:30 am - 12 am8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Opening hours of Mies
Opening hours of Mies
Monday - Tuesday
Full day
WednesdayTuesday - Friday
Full day
Opening at 8 amClosedOpening at 8 am
1P-2P8:30 am - 3:30 pmClosed8:30 am - 3:30 pm
3P-4P8:30 am - 3:30 pmClosed8:30 am - 3:30 pm
5P-8P8:30 am - 3:30 pm8:30 am - 12 am8:30 am - 3:30 pm

Fees 24-25

Geneva Campus

Registration fee
CHF 500.-
/ once
School fees from 3yo to 4th grade
CHF 16’270.-
/ year, payable over 10 months
Discount siblings 5%
CHF 15’457.-
/ year, payable over 10 months
School fees from 5th to 8th grade
/ year, payable over 10 months
Discount siblings 5%
/ year, payable over 10 months
/ year, payable over 10 months
School material
/ year, payable in 1 time
Cultural outings and sports
/ year, payable in 1 time
Extra 1h / 2h / 3h
95.- / 170.- / 206 .-
/ month, payable per quarter
After-school care before extra (from 3.30 pm to 5 pm) or after extra (from 5 pm to 6 pm) / Wednesday after extra (from 4.30 pm to 5 pm)
60.- / 40.-
/ per day per month, payable per quarter
After-school care from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. for 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days a week
68.- / 135 .- / 186 .- / 249 .-
/ month, payable per quarter
After-school care from 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. for 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days a week
99.- / 198 .- / 270.- / 360.-
/ month, payable per quarter
Occasional childcare from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. / from 3.30 p.m. to 6 p.m. / from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.
25.- / 40.- / 15.-
/ day, payable per month
After-school care on Wednesdays from 1.30 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. / supervised picnic on Wednesdays from 12 noon to 1.30 p.m.
158 .- / 60.-
/ month, payable per quarter/month

A 2% discount on tuition is offered in case of biannual or annual payments.


Trips and camps are part of the school’s educational project and are therefore compulsory.

Mies Campus

Registration fee
CHF 500.-
/ once
School fees from 1P to 4th grade
CHF 17'200.-
/ year, payable over 10 months
Discount siblings 5%
CHF 16’340.-
/ year, payable over 10 months
School fees from 5th to 8th grade
/ year, payable over 10 months
Discount siblings 5%
/ year, payable over 10 months
/ year, payable over 10 months
School material
/ year, payable in 1 time
Sorties culturelles et sportives
/ year, payable in 1 time
Extra 1h / 2h30 / 3h
95.- / 200.- / 216.-
/ month, payable per quarter
After- school care before extra ( from 3.30 pm to 5 pm) or after extra (from 5 pm ton 6 pm)
/ per day per month, payable per quarter
After-scool care from 3.30 pm to 5 pm for 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days a week
68.- / 135.- / 186.- / 249.-
/ month, payable per quarter
After-scool care from 3.30 pm to 6 pm for 1 day / 2 days / 3 days / 4 days a week
99.- / 198.- / 270.- / 360.-
/ month, payable per quarter
Occasional childcare from 3.30 pm to 5 pm / from 3.30 pm to 6 pm / from 5 pm to 6 pm
25.- / 40.- / 15 .-
/ day, payable per month
Supervised picnic on wednesday form 12 noon to 1.30 pm
/ month, payable per quarter/month

A 2% discount on tuition is offered in case of biannual or annual payments.


Trips and camps are part of the school’s educational project and are therefore compulsory.


Discover our general conditions

Our terms and conditions are designed to ensure that all children and staff have a positive experience at La Decouverte. We strive to create an atmosphere of respect and cooperation and ask all members of our community to abide by the following terms and conditions.

Join the La Découverte team

Nous recherchons des personnes passionnées et dynamiques pour rejoindre notre équipe pédagogique à La Découverte. N’hésitez pas à nous soumettre votre candidature à


Postes à pourvoir

1/ Nous recherchons un(e) assistant(e) d’intégration.


For the 1st of April, we are looking for an integration assistant (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) :




· Fluent English
· Good working knowledge of French
· Experience working in primary schools
· Experience supporting a child in a school environment
· Experience/training working with children who have specific needs




The integration assistant is responsible for supporting one child or a small group of children in the classroom environment.


They support the child in their learning, helping them engage in activities and integrate into the class group.


In addition, they can help lead learning sequences and class life in consultation with the teacher. They are the guarantor of the rules of school life, in the same way as the other adults.


The integration assistant shares the teacher’s mission of ensuring the social and emotional well-being of the child.


Depending on the instructions given to them by the management, the assistant manages meal times in the refectory and/or supervises break times.


This is done in cooperation with the after-school team.


They will not be in charge of a class, nor will he/she be responsible for communicating with parents.


Areas of responsability


· Supports a child throughout the day at school.
· Assists the teacher in setting up and preparing materials for the day’s activities (small materials – pencils, paint, etc…; organising the classroom space; photocopying). They also help to tidy up the classroom and maintain the hygiene of the rooms used by the children;


· Can propose and lead a teaching sequence and creative workshops;
· Participate in certain discussions between teachers regarding the children’s progress, class planning and the class calendar.


· Supervising and helping the children at mealtimes, playtimes and playgrounds. Play a leading role in setting up play activities during the lunch break, if the management deems it necessary.


· Helping children organise their personal belongings, particularly with regard to outdoor clothing.
· Participate in class camps


Merci d’envoyer votre candidature à :


2/ English-speaking teacher


La Découverte in Mies is looking for an English-speaking teacher for the start of the school year in August 2025.


Qualifications necessary :


A university degree and teacher qualification.
A work permit for Switzerland or citizenship of a Schengen area country.


Experience necessary :


At least two years’ experience working with primary students (4-12).
Experience working with students with a range of learning styles and needs.
Ability to work collaboratively and effectively within a team and to be flexible when working with others.


Experience preferred :


Understanding of and experience working with inquiry-based/ alternative education programs.
Knowledge of the Plan d’Etudes Romand learning objectives.
Experience of creating sequences of lessons.


Please send your CV and covering letter to: