Little Explorers Camp

From 1P-4P

July 15 to 19, 2024

Little Explorers Camp

The Little Explorers Camp is designed to give children their first experiences as little adventurers.

You’ll learn how to organize yourself, ride a horse, recognize birds and mountain flowers, sing songs around the fire and many other surprises…

The first 3 days will be spent immersed in a large mountain chalet in Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval (Auberge de Salvagny), then the rest of the week will be spent in Geneva. Get ready to take on new challenges and share unique moments with your friends.


The program includes sports activities: pony rides, tree climbing, mountain biking, forest hiking and treasure hunts…as well as creative and calm activities: nature memorys, creating a herbarium with flowers and leaves found in the mountains, and morning and evening yoga.


We look forward to accompanying you on your adventure to make it one to remember!


Hours : 8h30-17h00

Location : Monday 15 to Wednesday 17/07 at Auberge de Salvagny, Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval (1h30 drive from Geneva) & Wednesday 17 to Friday 19/07 at Ecole La Découverte – Genève – av. de Sécheron 11

Additional information

Meals : Every day, children bring their morning snack, a midday meal (cold or microwavable picnic) and an afternoon snack, don’t forget to bring drinks!


Equipment : Weather-appropriate footwear and clothing, sunscreen and hat. Please note child’s first name on all belongings.

Responsibles : Kevin ROBERT (FR) and Amandine GERMAIN (FR/ENG)


Cost : 590.- CHF (materials, entrance fees, transportation: all included).

Registrations : Online via Parents Portal, on a “first come, first served” basis from Monday March 25 at 12:00. Camp registration will be open to external children from Monday April 15 at 12:00.

If a registration is confirmed, an email will be sent to you shortly, together with the camp invoice. All confirmed registrations are final and the camp invoice is due. No refunds will be made in the event of absence or illness during the camp, including on presentation of a medical certificate.


Program (provisoire):

Here is the provisional program for the week with 2 overnight stays in the mountains: click here