« IT'S SHOW TIME » Camp!

For 4 to 7 years old (1P to 4P) from 10 to 14 of July

Come see what's behind the camera !

Actor, director, cameraman, stuntman, costume designer…

Let’s go together to discover the underside of cinema.

Create your imaginary universe in the world of the 7th art. Enjoy this camp to become the caractere you want to play.


Broadcast & Pop Corn on July 14 !

More informations

Meals : Each day, the child brings a morning snack, a lunch (cold picnic) and a snack for the afternoon, do not forget the drinks!


Outfit : Shoes and clothes adapted to the weather conditions. Swimming costume, towel, sun cream and hat. If necessary, an old t-shirt or shirt for the crafts. Please note the child’s first name on all items.


Cost : CHF 370.-


Responsibles : Loraine Rabache et Laureline Corre


Contact : admin-mies@decouverte.ch


Registration : Online by clicking here on a “first come, first served” basis starting on Monday 24 April at 09.30. As of Friday 5 May, the camp will be open to external students.


Program : A program will be given to you before the start of the camp. An outdoor activity is planned each day. The content of the activities may be adapted according to the weather.


Once the registration period is over, we will contact you to confirm your child’s registration. The payment terms for this camp are by invoice. No refunds will be made in case of absence or illness during the camp.